Fenscore Information & Guidelines for Person-in-Charge On Site Form A [as used by NWCRU]


The purpose of this collection assessment visit is two-fold. First we need to record what collections are available in the North-West, to assist bona fide workers to locate material of interest. Second we have been asked by the North West Museums Service [NWMS] to examine the conditions under which the collections have to be stored; the latter information is needed by NWMS to assist in deciding how & where any available funding for improving storage should be applied. The NWCRU assessor(s) who visit you will complete a number of forms which will form the basis of a report; a copy of this report will be sent to your institution.

Recording the Temperature & Humidity

To assess adequately the conditions under which your collection is housed it is necessary to record the temperature and humidity at intervals over a period of time. Therefore please will you read the thermometer(s) and humidity strip(s) the NWCRU assessor(s) have left in your store(s), and note the readings on the record sheet(s) you have been given (FORM B). It would be helpful if you could do this at least twice each week at irregular intervals, preferably varying the time of day also.

Returning the Forms

When the form(s) you have been left are full, please use the small stamped-addressed envelope you were also left to return the completed forms to: Charles Pettitt, Manchester Museum, The University, Manchester M13 9PL.

Returning the Sticky Traps

The NWCRU assessor(s) will leave you a large stamped-addressed envelope, together with some re-sealable polythene bags. Eight weeks after the visit, please go round the store and collect all the sticky-traps. Being careful not to touch the brown sticky square, unfold each trap and slide it flat into one of the polythene bags provided. Then post all the bagged traps in the large envelope to Steve Garland, Bolton Museum, Le Mans Crescent, Bolton BL1 1SA. Steve will examine the traps and prepare a report on any pests found; a copy of this report will be sent to your institution.

The NWCRU assessor(s) will have marked the "return date" on the outside of the large envelope, but this date is not critical; a week or so either way will not matter.

THANK YOU for your help in this project. The thermometer(s) and humidity strip(s) remain with you; you may care to continue to record their readings for your own information.