(one to be completed for each relevant Collection Content sheet [Form E] filled in)
Collection name ____________________________________________________________
Subject of Collection ______________________________________________________
IDEN NNW ___________ (if known) Date ______________________________
Enter approximate percentages wherever possible. Circle any relevant terms where
lists are given.
Zoology - Wet Collections
- full ________%
- part full ________%
- dry ________%
- present ________%
- outside jar ________%
- inside jar ________%
- damaged ________%
- numbers only ________%
- notebooks (Y/N) may be in library
- Collectors name ________%
- date ________%
- identified ________%
- locality ________%
- place ________%
- county ________%
- country ________%
- region ________%
Type Specimens
(N.B. Do not sniff or taste)
- Formalin
- Alcohol
- Phenoxetal
- unknown
- cloudy fluid ________%
- other _______________
Storage jars