FENSCORE Federation for Natural Sciences Collections Research
Fenscore General Assessment Visit Overview Form H
Remember to Take:
Clipboard Forms A to I (all may be photocopied if necessary)
Computer listings
Hygrometer strips
Polybags for sticky traps
Sticky traps
Collection stickers
Hotline stickers
Stamped addressed Jiffy bag for return of traps.
Tubes/bags/small paintbrush/forceps - for sampling infestations.
Useful to Take:
Visiting card to leave saying who you are.
Roll of white paper or white cloth for opening packet/boxes over.
Hand lens
Portable UV light source for reading discoloured
On Arrival
Make yourself known to the Person-In-Charge On Site (Picos), and explain your programme
of work.
Then a) In each storeroom, place traps, thermometers and hygrometers.
Traps. Place traps in darker areas, as close to collections as possible,
but out of the way of cleaners, e.g.: on floor between cabinets, or under base of
large cabinets or loose material (not in drawers or closed cabinets).
Do not place closer than 1m. or further than 4m. apart.
Thermometers & Humidity Strips. These must always be placed together,
one pair per store. Place in a visible position as near to collections as possible,
ideally between waist and head height. AVOID placing in direct sunlight, over radiators,
in draughts or near doors. Leave to equilibrate while doing steps (b), (c) and (d).
b) Assess building outside and inside (Form C).
c) Inspect collections, compare with computer printout to establish which have,
and which have not, been recorded already. Complete a Collection Content Sheet (Form
E plus Form I) and a Collection Condition and Quality Sheet (Form F1-F4) for each
collection. Remember, it is not necessary to complete every item on a form - just
enter what you can. Also you do not need to re-enter information that is already
on the computer listing, only additional information to update the record. See Forms
EX for examples.
d) If possible, obtain permission to fix "Scientific Collection" "hot-line"
stickers to the storage units of any collections you feel are important.
e) Now record today's temp/humidity readings, and complete the storeroom assessment
sheet (Form D).
On Leaving
Explain to PICOS why traps and instruments have been placed where they are, and
instruct in reading the temperature and humidity. Date the stamped, addressed Jiffy
Bag 8 weeks hence, and leave with PICOS together with polythene bags for the return
of the sticky traps.
Explain the PICOS instructions (Form A) as necessary, then give it to PICOS with
the temp/humidity recording sheet (Form B).
Remember to tell them the thermometer and hygrometer are gifts, & encourage
PICOS to continue to monitor environment after returning the NWCRU Form B. Offer
to send additional forms if required.
On Return Home
Check through Forms C, D, E, F and return them to Charles Pettitt, Manchester Museum,
The University, Manchester M13 9PL.
If you are unable to obtain travel expenses for the visit from your employers, you
may submit a claim on the forms provided in the Assessor's pack. This claim should
be based on either public transport cost or petrol cost. There is insufficient money
in the grant to allow a mileage charge be paid.