Address: Le Mans Crescent, Bolton, Lancs., BL1 1SE
Contact(s): Steve Garland (Snr. Keeper), Patricia Francis (Keeper), Kath Berry (Keeper)
Telephone * Fax Code: 01204 522311 ext. 2191 * 01204 391352
Governing Body: Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council
Collection Actively Used : Yes Annual Visits: >100
Collection Environment Monitored : Yes
Collection Size: 333,803
Collection Importance: International
Comments: Storage of the collections is steadily improving, but significant resources are required to achieve acceptable standards. There is a very large documentation backlog and conservation problems are significant. Recommend that employment of external help be considered to tackle the documentation backlog. A full assessment of the conservation requirements of the collections is urgently required, to enable a conservation element to be incorporated into the forward plan.
State Of Buildings, (V. Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, V. Poor).
External: Good Internal: Good
Cost Of Repairs To Bring To At Least An Acceptable Level: £ 0
% Of Collection Adequately Stored: 65
Estimated Storage Cost Of Remainder: £ 116,796
Personnel Costs For Adequate Storage. £ 18,687
*Total Estimated Storage cost. £ 135,483
% Of Collection With Data. 98
% Of Collection Documented On Computer. <1
*Total Estimated Documentation Cost. £ 65,406
% Of Collection Requiring Conservation 20
*Total Estimated Conservation Cost. £ 100,111
Total Cost Estimate of S + D + C £ 301,000
The following data shows the collection profile ( the estimated number of specimens in each of seventeen categories ) for the above institution.
Code Specimens Category
01 5,500 Taxidermy Mounts
02 8,600 Vertebrate Skins
03 403 Osteological
04 14,000 Oological
05 160,000 Entomological
06 50,000 Molluscan
07 1,000 Other Invertebrates (Dried)
08 1,500 Spirit Preserved
09 4,000 Microscope Slides
10 53,500 Herbarium Sheets
11 Other Botanical (Boxes) .etc),
12 100 Biological Models
13 3,000 Rocks
14 10,000 Minerals
15 15,000 Fossils
16 1,000 Other Geological
17 6,200 Archival Material
Spec. Total 333,803
Name: Towneley Hall Museum & Art Gallery
Address: Burnley, Lancs., BB1 3RQ
Contact(s): Mike Graham (Snr. Curator), Susan Bourne (Curator), David Anderson (Natural History Technical Asst.)
Telephone * Fax Code: 01282 424213 * 01282 436138
Governing Body: Burnley Borough Council
Collection Actively Used : Yes Annual Visits: >100
Collection Environment Monitored : Yes
Collection Size: 13,050
Collection Importance: Regional
Comments: The intention is to extend the collections for public use and to transfer all documentation presently on card indexes onto computer. A detailed collections audit, conservation and risk management strategy is currently being implemented.
State Of Buildings, (V. Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, V. Poor).
External: Good Internal: Good
Cost Of Repairs To Bring To At Least An Acceptable Level: £ 0
% Of Collection Adequately Stored: 60
Estimated Storage Cost Of Remainder: £ 6336
Personnel Costs For Adequate Storage. £ 829
*Total Estimated Storage cost. £ 7165
% Of Collection With Data. 95
% Of Collection Documented On Computer. 0
*Total Estimated Documentation Cost. £ 2,480
% Of Collection Requiring Conservation 60
*Total Estimated Conservation Cost. £ 13,100
Total Cost Estimate of S + D + C £ 22,745 The following data shows the collection profile ( the estimated number of specimens in each of seventeen categories ) for the above institution.
Code Specimens Category
01 1,074 Taxidermy Mounts
02 48 Vertebrate Skins
03 40 Osteological
04 3,336 Oological
05 4,100 Entomological
06 1,350 Molluscan
07 Other Invertebrates (Dried)
08 Spirit Preserved
09 Microscope Slides
10 100 Herbarium Sheets
11 200 Other Botanical (Boxes.etc)
12 Biological Models
13 652 Rocks
14 1,450 Minerals
15 700 Fossils
16 Other Geological
17 Archival Material
Spec.Total : 13,050
Name: Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery
Address: Castle Street, Carlisle, CA3 8TP
Contact(s): Stephen Hewitt (Keeper of Natural Sciences)
Telephone * Fax Code: 01228 34781 * 01228 810249
Governing Body: Carlisle City Council
Collection Actively Used : Yes Annual Visits: >100
Collection Environment Monitored : Yes
Collection Size: 147,570
Collection Importance: International
Comments: Priority projects requiring funding are the upgrading of environmental control in storage and display areas. Roden's survey recommends the appointment of an assistant Keeper of natural Sciences with specialist responsibility for geology.
State Of Buildings, (V. Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, V. Poor).
External: Good Internal: Good
Cost Of Repairs To Bring To At Least An Acceptable Level: £ 0
% Of Collection Adequately Stored: 80
Estimated Storage Cost Of Remainder: £ 29,136
Personnel Costs For Adequate Storage. £ 4,693
*Total Estimated Storage cost. £ 33,829
% Of Collection With Data. 90
% Of Collection Documented On Computer. 0.8
*Total Estimated Documentation Cost. £ 26,350
Conservation: % Of Collection Requiring Conservation 20
*Total Estimated Conservation Cost. £ 36,262
Total Cost Estimate of S + D + C £ 96,441
The following data shows the collection profile ( the estimated number of specimens in each of seventeen categories ) for the above institution.
Code Specimens Category
01 1,500 Taxidermy Mounts
02 3,000 Vertebrate Skins
03 100 Osteological
04 9,000 Oological
05 100,000 Entomological
06 1,500 Molluscan
07 220 Other Invertebrates (Dried)
08 200 Spirit Preserved
09 1,000 Microscope Slides
10 18,000 Herbarium Sheets
11 3,000 Other Botanical (Boxes.etc)
12 50 Biological Models
13 1,000 Rocks
14 3,000 Minerals
15 6,000 Fossils
16 Other Geological
17 Archival Material
Spec.Total : 147,570
Name: Grosvenor Museum, Chester
Address: 27 Grosvenor Street, Chester CH1 2DD
Contact(s): Steve Woolfall (Keeper of Natural History)
Telephone * Fax Code: 01244 321616 * 01244 324338
Governing Body: Chester City Council
Collection Actively Used : No Annual Visits: >25
Collection Environment Monitored : Yes
Collection Size: 34,624
Collection Importance: National
Comments: A need to improve storage facilities (space and environment) in order to facilitate the return of existing material on loan from Class A institutions. A detailed policy for conservation and documentation needs to be addressed.
State Of Buildings, (V. Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, V. Poor).
External: Good Internal: Good
Cost Of Repairs To Bring To At Least An Acceptable Level: £ 0
% Of Collection Adequately Stored: 60
Estimated Storage Cost Of Remainder: £ 13,442
Personnel Costs For Adequate Storage. £ 2,178
*Total Estimated Storage cost. £ 15,620
% Of Collection With Data. 80
% Of Collection Documented On Computer. 0
*Total Estimated Documentation Cost. £ 5,539
% Of Collection Requiring Conservation 30
*Total Estimated Conservation Cost. £ 10,666
Total Cost Estimate of S + D + C £ 31,825
The following data shows the collection profile ( the estimated number of specimens in each of seventeen categories ) for the above institution.
Code Specimens Category
01 600 Taxidermy Mounts 02 40 Vertebrate Skins
03 70 Osteological 04 100 Oological 05 19,000 Entomological 06 6,500 Molluscan 07 200 Other Invertebrates (Dried) 08 64 Spirit Preserved 09 2,000 Microscope Slides 10 1,500 Herbarium Sheets 11 350 Other Botanical (Boxes.etc) 12 Biological Models 13 500 Rocks 14 700 Minerals 15 2,500 Fossils 16 Other Geological 17 500 Archival Material Spec.Total : 34,624
Name: Lancashire County Museums Service
Addresses: Old Custom House, Queen's Terrace, Fleetwood, Lancs., FY7 6BT and Clitheroe Castle
Museum, Castle Hill, Clitheroe, BB7 1BA1
Contact(s): Simon Hayhow (Senior Asst. Keeper, Biology), Phillip Manning (Asst. Keeper, Geology)
Telephone * Fax Code: 01253 876621 * 01253 878088 (Fleetwood ) 01200 24653 (Clitheroe)
Governing Body: Lancashire County Council
Collection Actively Used : Yes Annual Visits: c50 + Geology
Collection Environment Monitored : Yes
Collection Size: 68,868
Collection Importance: Regional
Comments: Much of the collections are un-documented and in need of conservation following the transfer of collections from the Harris Museum, Preston.
State Of Buildings, (V. Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, V. Poor).
External: Good Internal: Good
Cost Of Repairs To Bring To At Least An Acceptable Level: £ 0
% Of Collection Adequately Stored: 30
Estimated Storage Cost Of Remainder: £ 50,364
Personnel Costs For Adequate Storage. £ 7,626
*Total Estimated Storage cost. £ 57,990
% Of Collection With Data. 95
% Of Collection Documented On Computer. 0
*Total Estimated Documentation Cost. £ 13,085
Conservation: % Of Collection Requiring Conservation 45
*Total Estimated Conservation Cost. £ 38,806
Total Cost Estimate of S + D + C £ 109,881
The following data shows the collection profile ( the estimated number of specimens in each of seventeen categories ) for the above institution.
Code Specimens Category
01 1,050 Taxidermy Mounts 02 228 Vertebrate Skins 03 10 Osteological 04 18,150 Oological 05 20,200 Entomological 06 10,800 Molluscan 07 20 Other Invertebrates (Dried) 08 150 Spirit Preserved 09 100 Microscope Slides 10 770 Herbarium Sheets 11 5 Other Botanical (Boxes.etc) 12 Biological Models 13 5,215 Rocks 14 4,410 Minerals 15 7,760 Fossils 16 Other Geological 17 500 Archival Material Spec.Total : 68,868
Address: Station Road, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 6BT
Contact(s): Carol Davies ( Curator, Natural History)
Telephone * Fax Code: 01539 721374 *01539 722494
Governing Body: The Lake District Art Gallery & Museum Trust (South Lakeland District Council)
Collection Actively Used : Yes Annual Visits: c50
Collection Environment Monitored : Yes
Collection Size: 20,057
Collection Importance: Regional
Comments: The recent temporary appointment of a registrar has made a significant improvement in the state of computer documentation.
State Of Buildings, (V. Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, V. Poor).
External: Good Internal: Good
Cost Of Repairs To Bring To At Least An Acceptable Level: £ 0
% Of Collection Adequately Stored: 75
Estimated Storage Cost Of Remainder: £ 4,808
Personnel Costs For Adequate Storage. £ 802
*Total Estimated Storage cost. £ 5,610
% Of Collection With Data. 95
% Of Collection Documented On Computer. 100
*Total Estimated Documentation Cost. £ 0
% Of Collection Requiring Conservation 40
*Total Estimated Conservation Cost. £ 8,859
Total Cost Estimate of S + D + C £ 14,469
The following data shows the collection profile ( the estimated number of specimens in each of seventeen categories ) for the above institution.
Code Specimens Category
01 850 Taxidermy Mounts
02 10 Vertebrate Skins
03 20 Osteological
04 1,280 Oological
05 14,630 Entomological
06 200 Molluscan
07 400 Other Invertebrates (Dried)
08 20 Spirit Preserved
09 87 Microscope Slides
10 2,110 Herbarium Sheets
11 Other Botanical (Boxes.etc)
12 Biological Models
13 50 Rocks
14 100 Minerals
15 300 Fossils
16 Other Geological
17 Archival Material
Spec.Total : 20,057
Name: Liverpool Museum
Address: William Brown Street, Liverpool, L3 8EN
Contact(s): Dr Ian Wallace (Head of Zoology), Dr Gary Cleland (Curator, Natural History Centre).
Telephone * Fax Code: 0151 2070001 * 0151 4784390
Governing Body: National Museums & Galleries on Merseyside
Collection Actively Used : Yes Annual Visits: c1,000
Collection Environment Monitored : Yes
Collection Size: 1,504,024
Collection Importance: International
Comments: The results of a detailed storage, documentation and conservation audit are being implemented. The recent appointment of a paper conservator to the botany department is leading to substantial improvements in the Roylean herbarium. A major rehousing programme in entomology will stabilise the bulk of the collections. Documentation is proceeding well.
State Of Buildings, (V. Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, V. Poor). External: Good Internal: Good
Cost Of Repairs To Bring To At Least An Acceptable Level: £ 0
% Of Collection Adequately Stored: 85
Estimated Storage Cost Of Remainder: £ 224,192
Personnel Costs For Adequate Storage. £ 35,568
*Total Estimated Storage cost. £ 259,760
% Of Collection With Data. 95
% Of Collection Documented On Computer. 60
*Total Estimated Documentation Cost. £ 114,306
% Of Collection Requiring Conservation 15
*Total Estimated Conservation Cost. £ 335,049
Total Cost Estimate of S + D + C £ 709,115
The following data shows the collection profile ( the estimated number of specimens in each of seventeen categories ) for the above institution.
Code Specimens Category
01 2,618 Taxidermy Mounts
02 49,500 Vertebrate Skins
03 3,600 Osteological
04 8,000 Oological
05 550,000 Entomological
06 300,000 Molluscan
07 3,000 Other Invertebrates (Dried)
08 104,852 Spirit Preserved
09 8,260 Microscope Slides
10 311,000 Herbarium Sheets
11 15,000 Other Botanical (Boxes.etc)
12 550 Biological Models
13 6,400 Rocks
14 13,312 Minerals
15 100,000 Fossils
16 5,932 Other Geological
17 12,000 Archival Material
Spec.Total : 1,504,024
Name: The Manchester Museum
Address: The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL
Contact(s): Mr Charles Pettitt (Keeper of Invertebrate Zoology), Dr Mike Hounsome (Keeper of Zoology).
Telephone * Fax Code: 0161 275 2634 * 0161 275 2676
Governing Body: The University of Manchester
Collection Actively Used : Yes Annual Visits: c 500
Collection Environment Monitored : Yes
Collection Size: 5,977,500
Collection Importance: International
Comments: Documentation is the priority. This will be expensive, but not prohibitive considering the size, quality and undoubted international importance of the collections (especially entomology and botany).
State Of Buildings, (V. Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, V. Poor).
External:1977 Building Poor Internal: Good
Cost Of Repairs To Bring To At Least An Acceptable Level: £ 10,000
% Of Collection Adequately Stored: 75
Estimated Storage Cost Of Remainder: £1,488,630
Personnel Costs For Adequate Storage. £ 239,688
*Total Estimated Storage cost. £1,748,318
% Of Collection With Data. 97
% Of Collection Documented On Computer. 10.5
*Total Estimated Documentation Cost. £ 1,069,973
% Of Collection Requiring Conservation 1.6
*Total Estimated Conservation Cost. £ 148,098
Total Cost Estimate of S + D + C £ 2,966,389
The following data shows the collection profile ( the estimated number of specimens in each of seventeen categories ) for the above institution.
Code Specimens Category
01 5,500 Taxidermy Mounts
02 14,000 Vertebrate Skins
03 8,000 Osteological
04 30,000 Oological
05 3,000,000 Entomological
06 380,000 Molluscan
07 82,000 Other Invertebrates (Dried)
08 4,200 Spirit Preserved
09 30,000 Microscope Slides
10 1,875,000 Herbarium Sheets
11 290,000 Other Botanical (Boxes...etc)
12 500 Biological Models
13 5,000 Rocks
14 13,000 Minerals
15 250,000 Fossils
16 5,000 Other Geological
17 5,300 Archival Material
Spec.Total : 5,977,500
Address: Greaves Street, Oldham, Greater Manchester, OL1 1DN
Contact(s): Bruce Langridge (Museums Officer), Sian Owen (Exhibitions Officer, Natural History).
Telephone * Fax Code: 0161 911 4657 , *0161 627 1025 (Nat. Hist. * 0161 678 4077
Governing Body: Oldham Metropolitan Borough (Leisure Services Dept.)
Collection Actively Used : Yes Annual Visits: >20 (Plus considerable educational use and public exhibitions).
Collection Environment Monitored : Yes
Collection Size: 75,514
Collection Importance: Regional
Comments: Collections are at present stored in a cellar (environmentally controlled), so there is a need for a rehousing programme in the future. Geology has been stabilised by the peripatetic curator service and the herbarium is scheduled as the next priority.
State Of Buildings, (V. Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, V. Poor).
External: Acceptable Internal: Acceptable
Cost Of Repairs To Bring To At Least An Acceptable Level: £ 0
% Of Collection Adequately Stored: 50
Estimated Storage Cost Of Remainder: £ 33,764
Personnel Costs For Adequate Storage. £ 5,961
*Total Estimated Storage cost. £ 39,725
% Of Collection With Data. 95
% Of Collection Documented On Computer. 0
*Total Estimated Documentation Cost. £ 14,348
% Of Collection Requiring Conservation 50
*Total Estimated Conservation Cost. £ 26,894
Total Cost Estimate of S + D + C £ 80,967
The following data shows the collection profile ( the estimated number of specimens in each of seventeen categories ) for the above institution.
Code Specimens Category
01 930 Taxidermy Mounts
02 30 Vertebrate Skins
03 20 Osteological
04 6,150 Oological
05 51,000 Entomological
06 12,000 Molluscan
07 20 Other Invertebrates (Dried)
08 300 Spirit Preserved
09 Microscope Slides
10 1,160 Herbarium Sheets
11 100 Other Botanical (Boxes..etc)
12 30 Biological Models
13 82 Rocks
14 608 Minerals
15 2,084 Fossils
16 Other Geological
17 1,000 Archival Material
Spec.Total : 75,514
Name: Warrington Museum & Art Gallery
Address: Bold Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 1JG
Contact(s): Alan Leigh (Curator).
Telephone * Fax Code: 01925 442392 * 01929 442399
Governing Body: Warrington Borough Council
Collection Actively Used : Yes Annual Visits: c50
Collection Environment Monitored : Yes
Collection Size: 95,542
Collection Importance: Regional
Comments: There are plans to refurbish the geology and botany galleries in 1995 / 96 and to rehouse the geology study collections, to permit better public access. The cost of enlisting specialists for documentation and conservation is being investigated. Computerisation of the geological records is a medium term objective.
State Of Buildings, (V. Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, V. Poor).
External: Good Internal: Acceptable
Cost Of Repairs To Bring To At Least An Acceptable Level: £ 0
% Of Collection Adequately Stored: 50
Estimated Storage Cost Of Remainder: £ 44,740
Personnel Costs For Adequate Storage. £ 7,640
*Total Estimated Storage cost. £ 52,380
% Of Collection With Data. 95
% Of Collection Documented On Computer. 0
*Total Estimated Documentation Cost. £ 18,150
% Of Collection Requiring Conservation 65
*Total Estimated Conservation Cost. £ 65,500
Total Cost Estimate of S + D + C £ 136,030
The following data shows the collection profile ( the estimated number of specimens in each of seventeen categories ) for the above institution.
Code Specimens Category
01 649 Taxidermy Mounts
02 293 Vertebrate Skins
03 70 Osteological
04 Oological
05 59,880 Entomological
06 11,050 Molluscan
07 4,227 Other Invertebrates (Dried)
08 800 Spirit Preserved
09 Microscope Slides
10 9,200 Herbarium Sheets
11 Other Botanical (Boxes..etc)
12 Biological Models
13 1,300 Rocks
14 1,588 Minerals
15 6,485 Fossils
16 Other Geological
17 Archival Material
Spec.Total : 95,542