The following are the forms currently used for collections research by Fenscore members. Note that only forms E and I have been used by all the various Collections Research Units; Forms A - D and F - H have so far only been used by the North West Collections Research Unit in their re-survey in 1990-1992, when they assessed the condition and quality of the collection and its storage. Note also that the forms C - D and F1 - F5, while found to cover all the matters needing recording during an assessment visit were difficult to analyse for the purposes of preparing the Skeletons in the Cupboard Report, and will be re-designed before further use is made of them. They are included here, however, to show the level of detail necessary when doing an assessment visit.
FORMS F1 - F5 - Collection Condition and Quality Assessment Sheets:
FORM G - Taxidermy Assessment Guidelines (to follow)